Achieving Success. Inspiring Students. Meet Christopher Demicoli.
We might not have a crystal ball, but we do have years and years of experience in the educational arena. We knew from the very start that ICE Malta student and Cisco NetRiders champion Christopher Demicoli, was a success story in the making. He’s driven, motivated, has managed to craft his career and design a lifestyle based on his passions.
During the last months, Christopher Demicoli joined ICE Malta’s Academic Team as a Cisco & Microsoft educator. Mentoring students and being in a position to inspire and motivate young talent gives him immense satisfaction.
Prior to Chris’ Cisco NetRiders 2014 success, he had enroled for the prestigious Cisco CCNA Routing & Switching study programme and continued his learning journey by achieving a number of other industry designed certifications within the technical career path.
I use all I learnt during the Cisco CCNA Routing & Switching course on a daily basis – it’s the study programme that gave me solid foundations to continue to master the subject on my own and understand and configure complex IPSEC VPNs, BGP without any assistance. Since the Cisco NetRiders 2014 competition, I moved up to an Enterprise Architect at Gaming Innovation Group and I’ve been entrusted to lead projects that require a high level of understanding of both networking infrastructure and software architecture.
CHRISTOPHER DEMICOLIEnterprise Architect, Gaming Innovation Group

Think you have what it takes?Enrolment for this study programme will be closed soon.
Prospective students are invited to confirm their enrolment online or may chat with our team and get answers to all their questions instantly. Alternatively, individuals may send an email to [email protected] or call 21467787 to organize a one-to-one meeting with ICE Malta’s Student Relations Executive.