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Pre Enrolment for the October 2014 Semester now open

The ICE Malta Pre Enrolment campaign for the October 2014 semester kicked off this morning, 1st August 2014 with a Time Check Bay Radio campaign and will continue this weekend with a social media campaign and a number of marketing initiatives scheduled for August & September including the launch of Malta’s first Code & Creative Competition…


ICE Malta launches collaboration with studyinginmalta.com

ICE Malta has confirmed a collaboration with studyinginmalta.com focused on attracting international students to achieve worldwide recognised certifications in the Maltese islands. ‘During the last academic years we have had a considerable amount of international students interested to enrol for study programmes leading to worldwide recognised certifications by our educational partners Adobe, Autodesk, Cisco, Microsoft, LPI, & The…


ICE Malta’s Summer Pre Enrolment campaign now launched

The ICE Malta Summer Semester kicks off today with the launch of the institute’s new social media advert video ‘Like us only if you mean it‘, the pre enrolment campaign for Summer 2014 and a number of complimentary workshops for prospective students. ‘The Summer Semester is always the busiest time of the year for the…

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Heard the news? Your child might be the next ICT star.

ICE Malta is proud to launch Malta’s first MySuccess Discovery Programme exclusively launched as part of the Summer 2014 Semester. The MySuccess Discovery Programme has been designed together with educational partners Adobe, Autodesk, Cisco & Microsoft as well as industry leaders and is based on four career paths, paths which are all multi-billion euro industries…

April 2014 FB cover

Achieve a worldwide recognised certification before Summer 2014

The ICE Malta team proudly launch the April 2014 Semester which includes the launch of the collection of FACES 2014 – Real Life Stories videos, the April semester branding and marketing campaign, news of this year’s edition of the Cisco NetRiders 2014 national competition, details of the team’s involvement in Malta’s Life Top Entrepreneur of the Year…


ICE Malta’s contribution to the Educational Strategy for Malta 2014-2024

Following the launch of the Educational Strategy for Malta 2014-2024, ICE Malta is proud to share how the institute is committed to ensure that together with educational partners Microsoft, Cisco, LPI, Adobe, The Digital Marketing Institute & Autodesk, the institute designs study programmes, opportunities and initiatives during each semester which address the targets emphasized in the…

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Design my Career week 2014 – dates revealed!

ICE Malta together with educational partners Adobe, Autodesk, Microsoft, Cisco, LPI & The Digital Marketing Institute have launched dates for this semester’s edition of Design my Career week starting on Monday 3rd February 2013 at 6.30pm. ‘We introduced Design my Career week last semester and we were thrilled with the feedback we received from prospective…

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The February 2014 Semester now launched

The Institute of Computer Education, Malta (ICE Malta) has launched the institute’s first semester timetable for 2014 which includes worldwide recognized certifications by the institute’s educational partners including Adobe, Autodesk, Cisco, Microsoft and the latest educational partner LPI. Linux Professional Institute’s Regional Enablement Initiative’ focuses on identifying the best partner organisations and educational institutes in regions around the…


Subsidy Scheme for Gozo students who enrol for the February semester

The ICE Malta Admissions team receive a number of requests from Gozitan students who are eager to start their study path at ICE Malta and achieve a worldwide recognised certification by one of ICE Malta’s educational partners including Adobe, Autodesk, Cisco, Microsoft, LPI amongst other prestigious brands. ICE Malta are pleased to share news that…


ICE Malta launches a series of complimentary workshops for ICT enthusiasts

As part of the ICE Malta’s CSR Programme for the 2014/2015 academic year, together with prestigious educational partners Adobe, Autodesk, Linux, Microsoft & Cisco, the institute has launched a series of complimentary workshops and seminars for ICT students, employees and tech enthusiasts. ‘In the fast evolving world of ICT, individuals have to find time to…
