We’re here when you’re ready (blog post in the news!)

‘Sharing our inner most thoughts, ambitions, goals and challenges just days before a new Semester is launched has now become one of our most intimate traditions. As we continue to develop our institute to become home of the creatives and a hub for technical ICT enthusiasts, we strive to provide our students and tutors with the very best of resources. We want the concept of our school to transform into the immediate place students think of when they want to achieve a world wide certification, embark on their career path, share their creative inspirations and achieve their career goals. We want to be the educational partner students are looking for, this is our ultimate goal and this is what gives us great satisfaction.
As we continue to set our sights higher, welcome past students for more courses as well as meet new students who are just starting their unique study experience at ICE Malta, we are pleased to be developing such an integral position in the ICT industry and educational arena in our islands. Our aim is to be the heart and spirit of it all. In the first two quarters of this year we’ve been blessed with signature moments we’ve worked hard for including small creative outbursts which have made us smile to great moments of national interest like the launch of Malta’s digital gaming fund during our Creative Student Showcase, the visit from CISCO’s Programme Manager Luca Lepore for our CISCO Netriders 2013 prize giving, the Malta Entrepreneur Awards Soiree and our award title ‘Innovative Entrepreneurs, Malta’ and so many other golden moments. Through it all the team has celebrated, used these great moments for further inspiration while continued to ensure that the study experience at ICE Malta remains our greatest priority, our greatest gift to students.
As we start our countdown to yet another Semester, we are looking forward to even greater achievements. We will be given our utmost attention and efforts to giving students guidance based on their career choices and together design career paths to help them customize their course selection. Our career development programme will surely be remembered as a 2013 highlight. So dear students, if you’ve enrolled for the ICE Malta Summer Semester we’re looking forward to welcoming you here soon and if you’re still toying with the idea of embarking on a worldwide certified course such as Microsoft, CISCO, Adobe, Autodesk (to mention a few!) – we’re here, when you’re ready’