The ICE Malta 2013/2014 academic year now launched

The ICE Malta 2013/2014 academic year is set to commence on the 21st of October 2013 and includes more than 50 introductory and specialized ICT courses by prestigious worldwide-recognised certifications including Microsoft, CISCO, Adobe and Autodesk amongst others, as well as a unique collection of industry designed technical and creative certifications supported by the Get Qualified Scheme.
‘While every academic year is eventful, the 2013/2014 academic year has notable significance for the ICE Malta team. We have made remarkable advances in the implementation of new systems for our website, introducing high-performance, all-in-one, multi-touch screens with dedicated graphics to ensure a smooth and versatile experience in our computer labs, successfully including the highly awaited CISCO’s CCNP Routing & Switching and Microsoft’s prestigious MCSD Web Applications Course in our October 2013 timetable, including a record amount of courses supported by the Get Qualified Scheme and the launch of Malta’s first collection of industry designed worldwide-recognised certifications which will give students the chance to embark on a unique mentorship programme as well as benefit from an 80% rebate of their course fees back thanks to the Get Qualified Scheme. Furthermore, we’re also very proud to welcome Keith Vassallo to the team who, as Director of Studies & Professional Development, has been entrusted with ensuring the academic integrity of the ICE Malta curriculum, educator training in academic matters and the implementation of new certifications, whilst ensuring that the institute maintains the highest standards of quality’- Nikolai Sammut, Director of ICE Malta, explains
The ICE Malta October 2013 marketing campaign has been designed with the aim of inspiring individuals to embark on creative and technical ICT studies and to participate in local and international competitions and events such as The Creative Student Showcase, CISCO NetRiders 2014 and The Adobe Design Achievement Awards amongst others. ‘In all our social media, PR and marketing we will continue to show the immense opportunities in the ICT industry both locally and all over the globe while we will continue to confirm partnerships with corporate entities on the lookout for star talent. We believe that this is part of the Study Experience that all licensed educational entities should offer their students, and we are proud to be the first to implement this at our institute. This year we’re also very eager to welcome past and new students to our institute for ‘Design my Career week’, where students, parents and ICT enthusiasts are invited to join us for complimentary workshops by Microsoft, Adobe, Autodesk and CISCO, as well as to meet our Director of Studies for career guidance sessions and participate in practical sessions with our team of dedicated tutors. While the institute continues to grow at a rapid pace, we are committed to ensure that our students’ success remains our ultimate priority’, Nikolai continued.
Students interested to enroll for the October Semester may contact the ICE Malta Admissions Team on [email protected], call 21 467 787, visit the institute or chat with the team on the ICE Malta website. The October Semester timetable may be viewed HERE.
ICE Malta, keeping you one step ahead