installFest, a great success

The ICE Malta team together with the Malta Linux User Group spent the afternoon with a number of ICT enthusiasts last Saturday 8th December. Apart from being able to try out Linux, learn more about the history of Linux and open source software, guests were given a tour around the computer labs, had the chance to met tutors and discuss the courses scheduled for the 2013 semester while also received complimentary Linux discs and try out Raspberry PI. Members of the Open Source Society Malta ( also joined.
‘We give great value to these open day events as it gives ICT enthusiasts, our students and tutors the chance to meet and keep updated with innovative features and learn more about all we have planned for members of our ICE Community. We are committed to continue to organize events which will bring students of all ages and walks of life to our institute to appreciate how essential ICT is on a day to day basis’ Nikolai Sammut, ICE Malta principal