ICE Malta launches ‘Fliike’, first in the Maltese islands
As the ICE Malta admissions team and tutors welcome past students as well as new creative and technical students who have enrolled for an encouraging amount of worldwide record certifications including Adobe, Autodesk, CISCO, Microsoft amongst others, the ICE Malta team are committed to keeping to their slogan’s promise ‘keeping you one step ahead’ and are presently in the process of finalizing the 2013 September – December campaign which will include some great initiatives,competitions and events.
‘The last quarter will include some great milestones for ICE Malta on both the educational and creative spheres. We will continue to reach out to students, corporate partners, community organizations and other educational entities to bring individuals closer to ICT and to encourage more students to incorporate ICT studies in their career paths. On a marketing perspective, our team have a number of surprises up their sleeve including a Istrina initiative we will be embarking on as part of our corporate social responsibility policy linked to a great social media gadget called Fliike. The ICE Malta team has been confirmed as the 18th in the world to pre book what we consider to be a milestone in social media developments. Apart from launching for our very own ICE Malta campaign designed around this innovative product, we have also managed to get an exclusive interview with the creator of Fliike – Gauthier Nadaud. Here are Gauthier’s answers to what we believe could be the start of quite a social media empire. We’re proud to be the first to launch this fantastic social media monitoring product in the Maltese islands and support young entrepreneurs in Europe!’ Matthew Sammut, Creative Director, ICE Malta explained.
ICE: Who came up with the concept of Fliike?
GN: I came with the idea 16 months ago. I worked in a great advertising agency here in Paris and had to find solution regarding social media strategies and campaigns for great brands. I was also at that time really “eating” the web, looking for innovative ideas in communication, new techs and everything that concern internet.
I was wondering why there were a lot of Facebook campaigns to gain fans whereas a lot of companies have offices or physical sales point nationally and internationally. The best time to convince someone to become a member of a digital community isn’t when that person is actually in your store and satisfied to be there ? I’ve crossed this idea with an other real problem, the difficulty for local businesses to build engagement around a digital community, and I couldn’t understand that when they actually succeed to build it, there was no way for them to use it as a Drive-to-store. Then I talked with Raphaël Pluvinage, a very good friend of mine who is designer and we began the adventure, joined later by our CTO Romain Cochet.
ICE: What are your targets?
GN: Mainly local businesses, restaurants, bars, shops, concept stores…we’d also love to see our product in public places such as museums (we know that they are struggling on internet)… Since the launch we also got pre-oders from a lot of start-ups, marketeers and community managers. We also got great contacts with big banks, luxury brands, TV shows. We’ll hopefully begin to work with specific demand for them very soon.
ICE: Have you ever visited Malta?
GN: Nope, but believe me I’d love to! Unfortunately (or fortunately) I won’t have any holidays anytime soon, the project takes a huge start and we are very excited. I promise I’ll come in the next 5 years to taste the local beer (I’ve heard you have a great one!)

Fliike, ICE Malta’s social media monitoring tool