Green Policy 2013/2014

As Action Developers for European Week for Waste ICE Malta has launched it’s green policy for the institute which amongst other initiatives includes:
- the promotion of online notes for all ICE Malta worldwide recognized courses
- promoting the possibility of receipt copies are sent via email rather than printed
- continuation of present initiatives such as refilling of white board markers, use of rechargeable batteries & energy saving light bulbs, water jugs for educators instead of plastic bottles & reuse of envelopes.
The marketing division will be keeping all rough paper used during meetings, presentations both internally and during classes to create notebooks for creative brainstorming sessions.
‘While this campaign is for one week, our green strategy will be part of our quality manual ensuring that we will continue to strive to promote this initiatives and encourage our students to follow our example and care for their environment during the whole year’ Nikolai Sammut, ICE Malta director.
ICE Malta’s commitment
We will strive to conserve energy and water; reduce effluents and waste; recycle; encourage the use of alternative transportation and make choices in our purchasing practices that have the most beneficial effect on the environment.