Another CISCO CCNA Exploration course added

For those ‘last minute’ students who did not manage to confirm their attendance for ICE Malta’s February 2013 CISCO CCNA Exploration Course, we’ve got great news for you!
Another CISCO CCNA Exploration course has now been added to the ICE Malta timetable. Starting on Wednesday 13th March 2013, this course provides the experience needed to help meet the growing demand for ICT professionals and also helps prepare students for entry-level career opportunities, continuing education, and the globally recognized Cisco CCNA certification.
‘‘During these last weeks we’ve met numerous students who are interested in furthering their ICT studies and attending CISCO and Microsoft courses. Some of these students will be joining us this week for their first lessons yet unfortunately due to our ‘small class’ philosophy some students did not manage to confirm their place in this week’s course. While the recognition and prestige of the names Microsoft and CISCO make our courses attractive, we are also getting extremely positive feedback due to the fact that both courses are part of Malta Enterprise’s Get Qualified Scheme which entitles students to recover up to 80% of their course expense back. In this way students can invest a minimal amount and achieve a world wide recognized certification which is extremely valuable to their CV. In the case of this course we feel that our ‘small class’ philosophy makes a great difference as it gives students more opportunity for practical hands on experience and to create a better ‘student-tutor’ relationship’ Nikolai Sammut principal of ICE Malta explains
More information about the newly launched CISCO CCNA Exploration course here. Students are also encouraged to chat with the team on, send an email to [email protected] with questions, call on 21467787 or to visit the ICE Malta institute for an appointment with the tutor and to discuss their chosen ICT career path in more detail.